Mite/Insect Control on Fruit Several
researchers showed in the 1920s that botanical oil sprays killed aphids
and scale insects. These oils were not utilized because of development
of synthetic insecticides and more uniform petroleum oil formulations.
Plant oils are currently utilized for controlling pests in stored
seeds and foods.
(pdf files require the Adobe
Acrobat plug-in) Control of San-Jose scale, terrapin scale, and European red mite on dormant fruit trees with soybean oil | pdf | html Management of San Jose scale on apple with soybean-oil dormant sprays | pdf | html Management of terrapin scale and San Jose scale on dormant fruit trees with soybean oil Vegetable oil applications control scale insects on dormant apple and peach trees Soybean
Oil Influences Aphid Populations and Photosynthesis of Apple | pdf
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